Disability Access Placards and decals are available for qualifying patients. Please be sure that the approved HC FORM is completed by the physician.

Tag Registration: 
When purchasing or leasing a new or used vehicle, the new owner must register the vehicle within twenty (20) days at the Commissioner of Licenses office. If the vehicle is acquired from a licensed Alabama dealer, then the dealer should apply for the Alabama certificate of title. It is the owner’s responsibility to register the vehicle in his/her home county within twenty (20) calendar days.

The minimum registration requirements are as follows:

  • Valid driver’s license or State Issued ID  for EACH REGISTERED OWNERpursuant to Section 32-7A-17, Code of Alabama 1975. Other forms of ID may include, but are not limited to:
    1. Medicare Card A
    2.  US Passport (valid, not expired)
    3.  Birth Certificate
    4. US Military ID
    5. Veterans Administration Card
    6. Driver license or non-driver ID card from another state (valid, not expired)
  • Title document  or Title Application issued by a designated agent of the State of Alabama.
  • Bill of Sale showing proof of sales tax, purchase price and date of purchase, and/or trade information. Bill of sale must list vehicle by description and vin. A bill of sale from an Alabama dealership must meet with the requirements set by Code of Alabama, 1975, Section 40-23-104 and Administrative Rule 810-5-1-.246. 
  • In a casual sale (between two individuals), the title document must follow the chain of ownership.  Only the registered (titled) owner is allowed to sell the vehicle. The title document must be accompanied by a bill of sale, and when necessary, proper supporting documents.  For a casual bill of sale that meets the requirements set by the state of Alabama, please click the link : Bill of Sale 2022.
  • Proof of Alabama insurance. Out-of-state policies will not be accepted for Alabama licensing purposes. Certain military policies, such as USAA, must confirm before being accepted. (Please see MLI section on this page for more information.)


Registrations can be done online by submitting the proper documents to easytagal.com

There is a fee of $10 for this service.

Tag Renewals: 
Your Alabama motor vehicle license plate/decal must be renewed annually. Renewal reminders will be mailed to the last known address as a courtesy at the beginning of the scheduled renewal month. If you have changed your address since your last renewal or vehicle purchase, please notify the License Commissioner’s office at (256) 241-2900 or email license@calhouncounty.org

  • It is the owner’s responsibility to renew his/her tag/decal during the correct renewal month even if you do not receive a renewal reminder in the mail. The first letter of your last name determines the month in which your renewal is due. (See chart below.)

All tag renewals may be processed at the Calhoun County Administration Building, Piedmont Annex, the Alexandria Community Center, or by mail. In addition, you may now renew your tag online if you want to save a trip to the administration building, Click Here  Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery of your renewal decal.

MAIL ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO : 1702 Noble St STE 107, Anniston, AL 36201


If you are renewing your tag in person, it is best to come to the administration building between the 10th and the 25th of the month, in order to avoid waiting time.


The amount you pay to renew your tag is a combination of your ad valorem tax assessment and a license fee. Ad valorem taxes are determined by multiplying the state-assigned value of your vehicle by the assessment rate (based on the classification of the vehicle), then multiplying the assessed value by the millage rate determined by your address. All ad valorem taxes are collected at the time of registration.

Please note: A mail fee of $2.00 is charged for each tag renewal processed through the mail.



*********************************************************************October 1, 2008 – You may renew your car tag,
boat license, manufactured home & business license online.




Through the renewal site www.altags.com, customers may renew their tags, business licenses (in the month of October), boat registrations, and manufactured home decals (during the months of October and November only). A $2.00 mail fee is charged for each renewal.  **The fee is $3.50 or 3% of your total, whichever is greater when renewing with a debit or credit card online. This fee is not paid to Calhoun County but to the processing entity, Ingenuity. Upon completion of your renewal, you will receive a confirmation number and a printed receipt. (Your printed receipt is not considered a legal document for law enforcement purposes). Please record the confirmation number, print and retain the receipt until you receive your actual registration or sticker. If you have any difficulty you may contact Ingenuity at 205-263-1573 for telephone assistance.

Tags That Require On-Site Renewal

The following is the list of tags that the customer must come into the office to renew with the appropriate papers or ID’s:

  • Active Reservist – AR Identification card / Affidavit signed by unit commander
  • Amateur Radio – FCC License
  • Educator – proof of current status as an educator paying into the State Retirement System
  • Vol. Fire Fighter – Letter on Fire Dept. letter head and signed by the Chief
  • Fraternal Order of Police – FOP identification card
  • Marines – Active military ID or DD214 showing retirement or honorable discharge
  • National Guard Active – Guard identification card and affidavit signed by unit commander
  • National Guard Retired – Proper identification card and NGB Form 22 or Notice of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60
  • Realtor – Current Alabama Realtor Association card
  • Rescue Squad – Rescue Squad Member ID card AND eligibility form

Click Here to Renew


Online registration questions can be directed to ahobgood@calhouncounty.org

Please Note:
If an address change is required with your tag renewal, you may still renew your tag via an online transaction, provided that your new address remains in Calhoun County.  You will need to submit a request for address change, which must be approved by the renewal clerk before you can renew your tag.

Tag Renewal Information

Once a vehicle is registered in your name, it is necessary to renew the registration each year according to the renewal schedule listed below:

Renewal MonthFirst Letter of Last Name
JanuaryA and D
MarchC and E
AprilF,G, and N
MayH and O
JuneM and I
JulyP and L
AugustJ, K, and R
SeptemberQ, S, and T
OctoberU, V, W, X, Y, and Z
October/NovemberNational Guard
October/NovemberTrucks, Commercial & Fleet
**All vehicles in Alabama are personal property. Property tax is paid in advance from the time of registration until your renewal month.

Renewal Process:

To renew your registration you must show:
1. A previous tag receipt in your name or a renewal card, which has been mailed to you as a courtesy by the License Commissioner’s Office.
Even if you do not receive a courtesy notice, it is your responsibility to renew your tag before the expiration date.

Note: Please notice the decal on your license plate. If the month on your plate has passed, your tag is expired. Example – if your plate shows August, the renewal must be made prior to September 1st. For more information, contact the Commissioner of License Office at 256-241-2900 or you may also email mbryant@calhouncounty.org.

2. Each registered owner or co-owner should also bring their valid Alabama driver license or photocopy to comply with Act 2011-688 related to Mandatory Liability Insurance compliance.

3. Proof of Alabama insurance will be required in the form of evidence that includes the provider’s NAIC number, policy number, vehicle identification number (VIN) and current effective date, visible either physically or electronically.

   Companies renewing fleet vehicles may use a “fleet insurance card”, however, this fleet coverage is not allowed on privately owned vehicles.

**Effective January 1 2020, the Rebuild Alabama Act went into effect. An additional $203 registration fee will apply for battery electric vehicles, and $103 will apply for each plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.

Mandatory Liability Insurance (OIVS) 

Minimum liability insurance is required on all self-propelled motor vehicles. Beginning January 1, 2013, license plate issuing officials will attempt to verify liability insurance utilizing the State of Alabama Online Insurance Verification System, which will allow license plate issuing officials to immediately verify the insurance status of a vehicle at any point in time.

If insurance cannot be verified through the system, vehicle owners must provide evidence of insurance to the license plate issuing official. To be acceptable, the proof of insurance must display the current effective date, insurer’s NAIC number, vehicle identification number, and policy number.

Proof of insurance is required at EACH registration and renewal.

Alabama Department of Revenue runs digital verification of VIN numbers monthly and sends correspondence to registrants for insurance verification, when verification is not automatic.

Failure to provide insurance:  It is important for registrants to return all correspondence received from Alabama Department of Revenue as soon as possible to the Mandatory Liability Insurance Department of ADOR.  Fines and penalties, once accrued, may be paid at the Calhoun County Commissioner of License Office at all locations.

Beginning June 1, 2000, “No person shall operate, register or maintain registration of a motor vehicle unless the motor vehicle is covered by a liability insurance policy, bond, or deposit of cash.”

Section 32-7A-4, Code of Alabama, 1975.

This requirement affects automobiles, pickups, trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, and other self-propelled vehicles. (Registrants must provide proof that they are in compliance with the MLI requirements when applying for new registration or renewals).

The Alabama Department of Revenue may, at random, contact you to verify compliance with the Mandatory Liability Insurance law (Section 32-7A-4 CODE OF ALABAMA). If contacted, you will be asked to complete a survey showing proof of insurance coverage. Failure to provide proof of coverage may result in suspension of your license plate.
If you have questions about a Mandatory Liability Insurance survey that you have received, you may contact the Mandatory Liability Insurance Department at the Alabama Department of Revenue at 334-242-9000 (Option 2). You may also visit Alabama Department of Revenue’s website for more information by clicking ADOR.  You may submit your proof of insurance to www.besuretoinsureal.com

For further information regarding suspended or revoked registrations, you may contact the Calhoun County Commissioner of License Office at 256-241-2900.


 Effective January 1, 1998the plate no longer goes with the vehicle.  By statute of law, an owner who trades, sells, or disposes of a vehicle, he  must remove the license plates from the previously owned vehicle. An owner may  transfer the plate to a vehicle of the same classification already owned and not currently licensed, or to a vehicle of the same classification  acquired later in the license year. 

In the event an owner trades vehicles, the transfer of the plate is the transfer of registration only. The ad valorem tax is due on the newly acquired vehicle at the time the tag is transferred.

Ad valorem tax is a property tax based on the market value of property in Alabama on October 1. Ad valorem tax on vehicles is authorized under Section 40-12-253, Code of Alabama 1975. An ad valorem tax lien attaches to a vehicle when it is first brought into the state by a new resident, or when it is originally sold by a new vehicle dealer. Property tax is an ownership tax and not a usage tax. The tax lien accumulates whether the vehicle is operated on the highway or remains off the highway.

When an Alabama resident buys a vehicle with an outstanding property tax lien, then the buyer must:
1. Pay all property tax that has accrued on the purchased vehicle since it was last registered and any interest and penalties on taxes that are delinquent.
2. Transfer the buyer’s current plate to the replacement vehicle or purchase a new plate for the vehicle within twenty (20) calendar days of acquisition.
3. Inquire about a property tax credit voucher if a vehicle is sold or transferred prior to the owner’s renewal month.

  • You must keep a copy of your registration, either paper or digital, in your vehicle at all times. You may be asked to present this form to law enforcement officers at any time. Please note that your tag registration is not your vehicle title. We do not recommend that you keep your original title in your vehicle under any circumstances.

**For general vehicle renewal/ registration questions or quotes, please call 256 241 2900 or email mbryant@calhouncounty.org  Documents for quotes, such as the bill of sale and title document may also be faxed to 256-231-1892 / Attention Miranda

Distinctive and Specialty Plates


Disabled Veteran plates

Disabled Veterans qualify for an exemption based on their percentage of disability. A letter showing service connected disability is required to receive the disabled veteran benefits.

These license plates do not transfer to surviving spouses.  The benefit of the exemption does not pass on as well. Click here to view the options available by Alabama Department of Revenue for Disabled Veteran license plates.

General Information:
Personalized tags may be ordered for most private passenger and commercial vehicles, and some motorcycles and recreational vehicles. The combination of letters/numbers requested must not conflict with the regular number system and is subject to State of Alabama Revenue Department approval.
The number of characters allowed on a plate ranges from 5 – 7, spaces included. No symbols are acceptable. Our office will provide you with a registration receipt and a 60-day temporary tag. After the plate is manufactured, it will be mailed to your address in six to eight weeks.
Picking your design and lettering can be time consuming. You can save time by visiting the Alabama Department of Revenue website see if your choice is available. There is no cost to reserve a license plate. Once approved, the reservation will be valid for five business days.
Some of the military and distinctive plates require certification. Please use the following link to connect to the Alabama Department of Revenue for more information about these tags:

Specialty Plate Fees

For a complete listing of fees for specialty tags and standard plates, especially those used for large trucks and recreational vehicles, please click the following link to the Alabama Department of Revenue Fee Schedule.
The fee for obtaining most specialty tags is $50.00. This fee is a tax deductible donation made to the organization you are supporting at the time you purchase the specialty plate. Personalization of your specialty plate is free at the time of purchase of the plate. The $50.00 fee is annual, due at every renewal of the specialty plate.
The Helping Schools tag design is available for a $20.00 donation that will be made to the Calhoun County public school of your choosing. Personalization of the Helping Schools plate is free at the time of purchase of the plate.  

**Please note that a $5.00 issuance fee will be due at the issuance of each specialized license plate.

Heavy Trucks and Motor Homes

All trucks, including pickup trucks and motor homes, are registered based on combined gross weight. Thus, in registering a truck the owner should declare the gross weight of the vehicle on the tag/tax receipt based on:
  • The weight of the truck with maximum load, including full tank of fuel, the weight of passengers, tools, etc., plus
  • The weight of the heaviest load to be towed if, for example, the truck is used to tow a utility trailer, the truck must be registered based on the weight of the truck, passengers, cargo in the truck, the weight of the trailer, and the weight of the load carried if the vehicle is used commercially.
Act 2004-520, effective January 1, 2005, creates two new weight classes for trucks, an 8,001 to 10,000 pound category and a 10,000 to 12,000. Many owners of pickups may need to register their trucks in the new 8,001-10,000 pound category.*
*Act 2006-356, effective July 1, 2006, states that a registrant who is operating a pickup truck with 2 axles and a GVW of 12,000 lbs or less and is operating the vehicle exclusively for personal or agricultural use, may register the vehicle at the empty weight of the pickup. The weight of any permanent, attached equipment and accessories such as toolboxes or winches is included in determining the actual weight of the vehicle.

Commercial Fleets

The Calhoun County Commissioner of License will mail all commercial and business (fleet) renewal cards within the first ten business days in October.   As a result, we would like to insure your renewal experience with our office is convenient as well as efficient.
  • Renewal cards: If you did not receive your renewal cards, the address on file may not be correct on the registration. Spreadsheets with VINs are acceptable for pricing. If you failed to receive renewal cards for certain vehicles, please contact stephm@calhouncounty.org . NOTE:  Dealerships will not receive dealer tag renewal cards. Dealer tags are renewed through the Alabama Department of Revenue.
  • Proof of Insurance: Proof of insurance is required in either the form of a FLEET insurance card or individual proof of insurance (for each vehicle). 
  • Heavy Highway Use (Form 2290): 2290s are required for fleets with trucks carrying a GVWR of 55000 pounds or more.  Each vehicle VIN must be listed and correct on the 2290. The 2290 must be stamped “RECEIVED” by the IRS in order to be accepted. The 2290 must be for the current tag year.  Forms are obtained at irs.gov